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  • A(A)utomated (I)rritation, 6min., USA, Sci-Fi/Comedy

    A man struggles to make breakfast in a kitchen filled with appliances with a mind of their own.

    Directed by Ali Presley Paras

    Written & Produced by Bo Liebman

    Cast: Torrey Halverson, Eric Shulman, Julian M. Stern, Nadav Fleisher, Sarah Afkami

    DP: Steven L. Smith

    Editor: Dana James Jones


  • AVA, 11min., Australia, LGBTQ+ Supernatural

    Ava and her best friend Devon push the boundaries of their relationship confronting the feelings for one another. Exposing herself to the truth, questions arise. Who is the real and true Ava and what path will she pursue with the help of her Astral Device?

    Directed by Simone Neviani

    Written by ...

  • BEEHIVE (do you want me to bee), 2min., Italy, Dance

    Beehive aims at focusing on the critical part bees plays in the biosphere as a deeply interconnected system. As pollinators, the bees make every sort of flowers and trees grow. Without them we are all lost.
    In a rocky and steep beehive two worker bees do not dance their lives away; quite the oppo...

  • BEHIND THE GLASS, 5min., Canada, Animation/Experimental

    Behind the glass is an animated drama about a man struggling to overcome his own limitations, while facing the rejection of society.

    Written & Directed by Pedro de la Llave

    Director Statement

    Behind the glass is a drama about a man struggling to overcome his own limitations, while facing the r...

  • BEING BLACK, 5min., UK, Documentary / LGBTQ+

    Wayne is a proud black, Afro-Caribbean, gay man living in the UK. His father was also a proud man, moving to the UK in the 1950's was his duty to the 'father country'.

    For Wayne being a UK citizen now doesn't make him proud and is a different story.

    Director Statement
    Having lived with an Afro-...

  • BETWEEN THE BALANCE, 4min., USA, Dance/Experimental

    choreography by Nicole Kadar & Dancers - while editing a full length dance concert I added a filter to give the dance a particular look & feel. but what happened next was something I rarely do. I used a mirror effect and it divided & repeated half the frame. which gave the piece a more abstract &...

  • BETWEEN THE CREAG AND THE SKY short film, 20min., Environment/Drama

    Attempting to find a re-connection, a father takes his estranged teen daughter on a trip into the wilderness.

    Screenplay and Direction by
    Kurt Gerard

    Adapted from
    Jessica Morgan's
    The Space Between the Sand and the Sea

    Produced by
    Kirchner Films
    with support from Missouri State University Coll...

  • BIRDS OF A FEATHER, 3min., Australia, Animation/Experimental

    Set in a rainy city this film focuses on the scavengers on the street and how the effects of sharing and being greedy can alter one's perspective in life.

    Directed by Richie Valentino

    Director Statement:

    Art offers the ability to express one's inner self.

  • BIRTHDAY BOY short film, 10min., USA, Black & White/Horror

    An abusive dad gets his just desserts on his birthday.

    Directed by Dan Sellers

    Written by Alexander Julian

    Producers: Dan Sellers, Alexander Julian, Sammie Cassell

    Cast: Vince Eisenson, Kelsi Chandler

  • Black Love short film, 10min., USA, Documentary/Political

    Directed by Darrell Anthony Reynolds

    Director Statement
    What does love mean to you? Now, what does black love mean to you? Can you tell me what is black love? I'm going to take you journey with me to discover the question to interview the community of Lake Merritt in Oakland, CA. There will be e...

  • BOATHOUSE ROW short film, 16min, USA, Documentary/Sports

    Boathouse Row is a personal essay documentary about the generational intersections of olympic rowing, manic depression, and fatherhood.

    Directed by Ethan Knecht

  • BODIES OF WATER, 14min., USA, Drama / LGBTQ+ / Romance

    It's 1982, Marsh is 24 years old, and he struggles with a tormenting secret. Feeling disconnected human relationships others take for granted, Marsh treads water in the often painful doldrums of everyday life.

    One night, a spark ignites Marsh's imagination of what could be and he embarks on a pr...

  • BOOKENDS, 6min, USA, Romance/Drama

    An empty-nester couple rekindle their flame after realizing how much love and care, though they express it in totally different ways, they have for each other.

    Written & Directed by Lai Jiang

    Cast: Shelly Kurtz, DeeDee Michaels

    Cinematography: DeeDee Michaels

  • BOONDOGGLE, 11min., UK, Thriller

    Three men discover a mysterious box, supposedly containing the product of their deepest desires

    Dominic McCafferty - Director

    Dominic McCafferty - Writer

    Oliver Shuter - Producer
    Connor Evans - Producer
    Harvey Boyles - Producer

    Chris Kaye - Key Cast
    Ivan Comisso - Key Cast
    David Pitt - Key Cast

  • BROKEN short film, 4min., France, Dance

    1 in 3 women are victims of violence during their lifetime, i.e. 1 billion women worldwide. Their names are Myriam, Adèle, Clémence ... They are 20, 35 or 48 years old. They are victims but do not always have the words to speak and to find help ... Since January 1, 2020, 11 women have died killed...

  • BOYCOTT THIS! short film, 40min., USA, Documentary

    Exposes the darkly comedic truth behind the hate Israel industry and BDS.

    Directed by Stan Moore

    Produced by Laurie Cardoza-Moore

  • BOYS, MUSIC, and CHAOS Web Series - Episode 1

    Episode 1: The band tries playing a little extra loud this practice.

    Directed by Desi Feldman

  • BOYS, MUSIC, and CHAOS Web Series - Episode 2

    Episode 2: Rent is due!

  • BOYS, MUSIC, and CHAOS Web Series - Episode 3

    Episode 3: Andy gets ready for an interview.

  • BOYS, MUSIC, and CHAOS Web Series - Episode 4

    Episode 4: The band takes care of some phone calls to help pay rent.

  • BOY, MUSIC, and CHAOS Web Series - Episode 5

    Episode 5: Benji helps Sam out with his secret side job.

  • BOY, MUSIC, and CHAOS Web Series - Episode 6

    Episode 6: The band tries practicing with a new singer.

  • BOY, MUSIC, and CHAOS Web Series - Episode 7

    Episode 7: Andy and Rex get heated over the dishes

  • BOY, MUSIC, and CHAOS Web Series - Episode 8

    Episode 8: Sam and Benji take up Smokey Tom's "special" job.