FRONTERA!, 12min., USA, Animation/Fantasy
Animation, Comedy, Independent, Short Films, Sci-Fi
The Pueblo Revolt had to happen. Life was out of balance. Drought, hunger, colonial violence and religious persecution brought indigenous societies of New Mexico to the brink of collapse. The Pueblo people orchestrated the unthinkable: a pan-Indian uprising successfully expelling the Spanish occupiers from the entire Rio Grande region leading to an indigenous cultural and social renaissance. The documentary animation, Frontera! Revolt and Rebellion on the Río Grande, traces the seminal events and colonial entradas that has shaped the deeply contested territories of the US-Mexico borderlands. Native and Chicana narrators recall this living history through humor, music, rap and cartoons.
Directed by John Jota Leanos
Written by John Jota Leonas & Lee Moquino
Up Next in SHORT & FEATURE FILMS - Newly Posted
FUCKING WORLD short film, 1min., Ital...
Modern man lives his life ( day ) in just under a minute and thirty seconds . Lives frustration , joy and sense of incompleteness jumping from one emotion to another , from a knowledge gap to a lack filled by media messages . As a final gesture kills the world carrying the ransom that frees him f...
FULL BODIED, 12min, USA, Thriller/Crime
In an industry over-run with critics, one struggling winemaker is pushed to the edge. To save his winery, and himself, he must work quickly.
Directed by Matt Bayer
Written by Matt Bayer and David Sherod
Cast; David Sherod, Katie Calogero
Director Statement:
Most of the winemakers I know aren...
GHOST LAKE short film, 5min., Singapo...
A woman in mourning confronts the loss of her lover. In a space where grief exists, time is relative
Directed by Shanice Stanislaus, Jon Tan
Cast: Daphne Huang, Antonio Vargas
Director Statement
This was an international collaboration, with Taiwanese and Singaporean musicians coming together...