POETRY Reading: For Carol, by Michael Favala Goldman
1m 14s
Performed by Val Cole
We met on Zoom at a workshop.
That’s not quite true. I only know
your first name. One square down
and two squares over, your lighting
not that great. I don’t think it’s on
purpose, like in A Streetcar Named
Desire, but it does add mystery
as you sit at your kitchen table,
stainless steel fridge behind you.
I wonder what you are longing for,
where you live, within driving
distance or near an airport. I heard
you mention a husband which is
perfectly understandable, since I
have a perfectly good spouse as well,
but we both know fate is powerful,
more ineffable than anything, and
passion a terrific excuse, and here
we are rather close, in a way,
both too shy to send a personal
message, but we will meet again
soon, at the next session, and maybe
then our squares will be adjacent.