MEXILLONARIA film, reactions DOCUMENTARY Festival
3m 40s
MEXILLONARIA, 15min., Spain
Directed by Pablo Chouza
The mussel in Galicia has its own character. Consumed from the Iron era to the present day, marking a turning point with the arrival of the first boats in the Ría de Arousa around 1945. At this time, it goes from a rustic and primary collection to being transformed into a crop, becoming the economic engine for many localities coastal
Get to know the filmmaker:
1. What motivated you to make this film?
The silence about women's work and the problem environmental were the keys to doing something in the sea where I live, where I bathe, where I sail and where I want to die.
2. From idea to finished product, how long did it take you?
to make this movie?
In less than a year it was ready. Seek financing and find The Mulleres Salgadas Association was the definitive boost.
3. How would you describe your film in two words!?
Relaxing and reflective.
4. What was the biggest obstacle you faced in completing this film?
Financing for post-production.
5. What were your initial reactions upon seeing the audience speak?
about your movie in the comments video?
Delighted to keep their attention and that they reached the end of the
6. When did you realize you wanted to make films?
The documentary is something so necessary and so accessible... it is always more easy to tell stories that are made to invent something fictional.
7. What movie have you seen the most in your life?
Very difficult to count, but Heima ((2007) I played it so many times
I'm sure they are at the top of the list... hehe. Seriously, for me it is
impossible to count or decide on just one.