Short Story Video Reading: A GOOD-LOOKING WOMAN, by Richard Stimac (interview)
2m 48s
Performed by Val Cole
genre: literary
1. What is your short story about?
A woman might or might not have staged a minor car accident as a pretense to leave her husband.
2. What genres would you say this story is in?
literary fiction
3. How would you describe this story in two words?
straight forward
4. What movie have you seen the most in your life?
"Blade Runner: Director's Cut" Who isn't touched by Rutger Houer's "tears in rain" monologue, which he wrote himself?
5. What is your favorite song? (Or, what song have you listened to the
most times in your life?)
Literally, the first note of Glenn Gould's J.S. Bach: "Two and Three Part Invesions" lifts my spriit each time I hear it.
6. Do you have an all-time favorite novel?
I've read George Elito's "Middlemarch" and Stendhal's "The Red and the Black" both three times each.
7. What motivated you to write this story?
The WILDSound opportunity to have a one-page story read by a professional actor.
8. If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive), who would
that be?
Since I'm a practising Buddhist, I feel obligated to say Shakyamuni Buddha.
9. Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?
I dance Argentine tango. Give the time and money that I've spent over the years, maybe "obsessive" is a better word than "passionate."
10. What influenced you to enter your story to get performed?
The novelty of it.
11. Any advice or tips you'd like to pass on to other writers?
Just write, and when you do write, write for yourself. And if you want to publish, just submit. We can control the effort, but not the outcome.