OKAY short film. 22min. Egypt. Horror
Horror, Independent, Short Films, Thriller
OKAY, 22min., Egypt, Horror
Directed by Seif Sayed Abdel Raouf
A young man experiences strange events when his parents send him to their newly bought house.
Director Statement
I believe that real life moments could sometimes be more horrific than your typical ghost story. This is what "Okay" tries to tackle. The film was a huge challenge to undertake especially with the huge amount of details involved in it. "Okay" is a film that I feel a strong personal connection to, not only because it is based on my favorite genre but also because it has a powerful statement to deliver regarding parenthood. While watching this film, I wanted the viewer to be immersed into the main character's world to experience what a person feels when they have to deal with aggressive parents and what it can do to individuals.
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https://www.facebook.com/brinkofficialpageDirector Statement
From writing the screenpl...