Poems performed by professional actors.

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  • Poery Video Reading: THE ART OF THE POSSIBLE, by Vijay R Nathan

    Voice Over: Val Cole

    The Art of the Possible, by Vijay R Nathan


    On Kehinde Wiley’s Portrait of Barack Obama

    The waves of gray hair, forehead shines
    over creased brows. Flowers emerge
    from green tableau: from chicago,
    from Hawaii, from Kenya.

    The leaves wrap around the fe...

  • Poetry Video Reading: THE THINGS THAT RUINED MY PROM NIGHT, by Brianna Corona

    Voice over by Val Cole

    The Things that ruined my prom night, by Brianna Corona

    1. Pine needles sprinkled down like confetti.
    2. -prom closed with reflective confetti.
    3. Scattered rocks that shine [ motor oil.]
    4. -black out/black liquid, everyone has different prom nights.
    5. [deafening. ] Wi...

  • POETRY Reading: You Never Know, by Martha Fox

    Narrated by Val Cole


    For Gregg 1946-2023

    When the boulder exploded
    everything came at me—

    your car keys a bar of soap
    that stroked your skin yesterday

    your pillow scent hurtled past
    I couldn’t grasp it

    blast wave gut punch
    blast wind

    spiking lightning
    from a burned-out god, signs


  • POETRY Reading: The Whispers I Have Heard, by Jackie Greenwood

    Performed by Val Cole


    Though I cherish
    the quiet I have earned,
    there are days I miss
    the whisper of animals
    all around me

    Youthful energy
    bounding in,
    I’m easy to please
    I’m easy to forgive

    Nervous purr, saying
    Do what you must,
    just be quick
    just be gentle

    Next come the sick

  • POEM: Secrets in the Morning, Early, by by Christiana Ares-Christian (interview)

    Performed by Val Cole


    Inspired by Li-Young Lee’s “Early in the Morning”

    Before the paperboy
    delivers the news,
    Before the sun has broken the horizon,
    Before the coffee machine starts
    the morning brew–

    I sit on the bed,
    run the ebony comb
    through my matted hair,
    and listen to it snap th...

  • Poetry Reading: MY WILD DESIRES, by A J Chilson

    Performed by Val Cole


    I just can’t tell you exactly how much
    I love looking at your sexy body,
    And how badly I want my hands to touch,
    And my lips to kiss – I am so naughty,
    Wishing to be with you, and hoping you
    Would make my wild desires come true.

  • POETRY Read: Intimacy – The Duality of being Ace, by Eleanor Graydon (interview)

    Performed by Val Cole


    I write a lot about intimacy. I write about my understanding of it. Using cannibalism and feasting as metaphors for sex. About bruises and teeth as symbols of love. Of fighting and commitment, all things both cruel and kind. But what I don’t write about, is the empt...

  • POETRY Reading: The Light at Eastern and Eastern, by Joan Drescher Cooper

    Performed by Val Cole


    I think of you that last day
    Happy–probably drunk,
    but I couldn’t tell
    (I never could).
    You were having such a good
    time plotting a prank on an old
    friend’s son over a soccer jersey.

    You were happy that moment,
    a slice between 2 and 2:15 while
    we talked. Me, at wor...

  • Poetry Reading: Death Wish, by Jordanna Miller (interview)

    Voice over by Val Cole


    I wish you were dead.

    Does that make me a bad



    I wish you were dead.

    It’s strange, you know?
    Carrying around
    this kind
    of hate.

    Because it’s not the
    boiling burning bubbling
    kind that wakes me up at night.


    it’s the quiet kind, the ...

  • Poetry Reading: “Kaleidoscopic Portraits”, by Tierney Chapman


    Voice Over: Val Cole


    Holy water smells like fresh herbs
    or maybe it was the older women in the back pews
    with the flower laced hats, and rosemary scented skin.
    Skin so thin, the stained glass saints
    stained the paper thin veins.
    I didn’t like church much as ...

  • Poetry Reading: For My Piece, by Manuel Valdez

  • Poetry Reading: You’re Pretty Strong, For a Girl, by Cathy Hollister

    Performed by Val Cole


    I was a scrappy little thing,
    short, no-fuss hair,
    T-shirts & jeans,
    questionable hygiene
    the term then was tom-boy
    I don’t know what they call independent, strong-willed, opinionated little girls now

    He was the neighborhood bully
    big and smug, followed by toadies

  • Poetry Reading: THE LOST THINGS, by Nicholas Fowler

    Performed by Val Cole


    We’ve broken things and smashed them,
    torn them to pieces,
    burned them and buried them.
    Words left unspoken,
    Love left unmade.
    You took everything that I had,
    and then you left me where I laid.

    You soaked me with your love,
    but then you hung me out to dry,
    leaving m...

  • Poetry Reading: STAGES, by Jessica Wheeler (interview)

    Performerd by Val Cole


    It cowers in the corner,
    newly born.
    I turn my spite-soaked back,
    riddled with resentment
    and pull the thin veil
    to sink beneath its cover.
    I will not watch it crawl,
    but it breathes,
    a shadow
    at the edge of my own
    threatening to merge.
    It waits, as I do

  • Poetry Reading: Inside and Outside, by Huang Guosheng

    Performed by Val Cole


    In the far and remote village of the west of Canton Province,
    When my mother conceived me,
    I curled up inside her tummy,
    My mother bulged outside.

    After I was born, crying,
    I often slept in a cradle bearing a mosquito net.
    My mother sang baby songs ceaselessly, squ...

  • Poetry Reading: I live in America, by Leigh Hancock Ode

    Performed by Val Cole


    Where other countries went from laughing at us, to serious concern
    Wondering how many bridges we’ve got left to burn
    For the sake of ONE religion and ONE book
    but hey, weren’t prayers good enough for Sandy hook?

    I live in America
    The land of the free
    Unless you’re ...

  • Poetry Reading: ELECTIONS, by Saskia Griffith

    Performed by Val Cole

    The elections drama is thick in the air,
    The candidates are battling it out,
    with a war of words against each other.
    America, the greatest amongst all they say.
    Yet, they cannot get their affairs together.
    Why lecture another country about their political affairs, when they...

  • Poetry Reading: THE KISS, by Thomas Johnson

    Voice over by Val Cole


    The most passionate kiss
    that I ever saw
    –and the longest!–
    happened at the wedding
    when Leonard O’Neal took a wife.
    The bride’s Swedish father,
    stern and adamantly opposed
    to the whole affair,
    though provoked,
    was restrained by awe
    at what he saw.

    The lady w...

  • Poetry Reading: not a nude beach, by Tanner McClelland

    Voice over by Val Cole


    Out of its cooler,
    a bottle sweats embarrassed
    before the hot sun.

  • Poetry Reading: MY MIND IS AN ASYLUM, by Shannon Lynette

    Voice over by Val Cole


    The morbid star
    That rises high above
    Awakens me from internal slumber

    I am a night serpent
    Becoming one with the shadows
    Who lurk on lonely windowpanes

    My mind is an asylum
    It was cursed the day
    The dead walked among the fire

    Ashes to ashes
    Ashes to ashes

  • Poetry Reading: INHERITANCE, by Filiz Fish

    Voice over by Val cole


    My mom likes to say she gave me her tongue—
    not the muscle
    but the ability to move worlds with it.
    She anointed me with her fury,
    her impatience,
    the power to gaze within your opponent
    and pluck their greatest insecurity
    from their chest.
    She birthed me in her...

  • Poetry Reading: IN THE HOUSE OF WILLS, by Frank Weber

    Narrated by Val Cole


    We drove for two hours
    to the badlands of Cleveland
    searching the streets and the alleys
    just to find our way
    to find a safe way
    into The House of Wills.

    We were met with armed guards
    all meant to protect us
    milling the grounds and
    defending the building and

  • Poetry Reading: I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE FINE, by Sydney Severson

    Narrated by Val Cole


    Two weeks before you died-
    You were joking, laughing, and seemed alright.
    I thought you would be fine.

    We talked and joked and watched the skyline-
    From your hospital bed at half-light
    Two weeks before you died.

    As the day wound down, I saw no sign-
    And when w...

  • Poetry Reading: HONORARY ALIEN, by James Ph. Kotsybar

    Voice over by Val Cole