Poetry Reading: She Climbed, by Michelle Murray (interview)
1m 35s
Performed by Val Cole
She climbed to the top of the mountain
In her ascent
She failed to see
Red roses blooming, so fair, so sweet
Grass green growing there
Purple lilacs, stalks so bright
Pink glowing sky
Turning white clouds red by and by
Blue fading into black
Her steps show her track
Higher and higher
No turning back
On and on, no pause or rest
Ever approaching the summit, the peak
Where at last she placed her feet
Looking down
All around
Brings a tear to her eye
So on the way down
She doesn’t even try
She stops at every flower
Inhaling their scents
Touches the petals
Feels them on her skin
Throws them into the wind
To see the colors fly
She climbed, continued
She twirls, dances
Like nothing else matters
No one is watching
Just her and the sky
Realizes here on the ground
She could have found
What she was climbing for …
Get to know the poet:
1) What is the theme of your poem?
The theme of my poem is that sometimes we are so busy trying to get where we are going we forget to enjoy the moment
2. What motivated you to write this poem?
I am always inspired by natures, mountains, and climbing.
3. How long have you been writing poetry?
I have been writing poetry since high school.
4. If you could have dinner with one person, who would it be?
I would love to have dinner with Shakespeare, one of the most famous playrights and authors. His work is still studied, and made into various plays and movies to this day. He gave us some common phrases we still use and famous quotes. To be or not to be? Boil, bubble, toil and trouble. It would be fun to see and hear him in person and find out where his inspiration and ideas come from.
5. What influenced you to submit your poetry to be a read by a professional?
Poetry is meant to be read and listened to. I am wanted to share my poem with others in the way it was meant to be, to encourage listeners and others with my words.
6. Do you write other works?
Yes, I have a middle school fantasy series the Dream Walker land Of Mystica Series along with short stories, poetry however is my passion.
7. What is your passion?
Writing, crafts, and spending time with my family
and outdoors are my passions.
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My father is dead.
My brother is dead.
My other brother is dead.
My sister is dead.
My nephew is dead.
My son is dead.
When will my family stop dying?
I’m never going to get used to it. -
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No... -
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