Poetry Reading: 213, by Thais Hardison
1m 10s
Performed by Val Cole
I did not ask you to build me this way
I did not ask to come back from the grave
My brain has thoughts that my tongue cannot say
I do not like this second life you gave
The only reason that you worked this trick
Was to sate your own curiosity
A doctor who works with the dead is sick
No miracle – just an atrocity
I’m not my own, I’m just your science pet
A wonder you can display for the crowd
You don’t consider my wishes, not one!
I’d like the chance to be my own asset
Yet I am branded “monster “ not allowed
To be myself. I am not anyone.
Get to know the poet:
1) What is the theme of your poem?
The horror of not having an identity exemplified by Frankensteins monster
2) What motivated you to write this poem?
The monster has very few words to say in the original story, I wanted to explore what he might say
3) How long have you been writing poetry?
30 years!
4) If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive), who would that be?
Edna St Vincent Millay...an amazing sonnet writer who heavily influenced my rhyme schemes. At the end, where Shakespeare would write efef gg....she will write efgefg.
5) What influenced you to submit to have your poetry performed by a professional actor?
I wanted to make it widely available to a bigger audience. She reads it just right!
6) Do you write other works? scripts? Short Stories? Etc..?
I exclusively write sonnets. At first my goal was to write more than Shakespeare did (154) but now I have about 464! I really like the structure and the brevity it's perfect for logical arguments too.
7) What is your passion in life?
To create art. I fiddle with acrylic paints and crochet but my strong passion is the sonnet
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When to the pain you’ll succumb,
Remember that I’ve loved you so.
Don’t fret, my dear,
For I have lived a happy life,
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Performed by Val Cole
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Sometimes a memory
Burns and scalds
So bad
Those moonbeams
Can’t soothe
The seething heart,
Sometimes a memory
Leaves shivers and chills
So bad
Those sunbeams
Can’t warm
The frozen heart.Between
The moonbeams
And the sunbeams,
The ‘pre...