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Winning FEMALE Festival 1st Scene: Black Sunday, by Katreana Bellew

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ACTION/ADVENTURE Festival: Bandaged Knees, by Colin Simpson

New Screenplay Videos • 13m
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Winning FEMALE Festival 1st Scene: Bl...

A young fireman, and father of four, jumps to his death to escape a Bronx fire alongside four other firemen. Upon inspection of the fire, it becomes clear that both the building owners and the city of New York are at fault. The fireman's wife and the surviving, but chronically injured, men from t...

TV FESTIVAL Best Scene Reading: Mayda...

An eager new Coast Guard recruit navigates personal and physical danger in an attempt to atone for the sins of her past.


Narrator: Shawn Devlin
Female Drill Instructor: Kyana Teresa
Madison: Elizabeth Rose Morriss
Lead Drill Instructor: Sean Ballatyne

Writer Biography
At the age...

POLITICAL Festival Best Scene Reading...

What if someone when into the seminary to bury his own anger? Jonathan Daniels stumbles into the Civil Rights movement and finds himself face to face with moments that viciously try and pierce his peaceful personality. Based on a true story, he joins Stokely Carmichael and other Black activists d...