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ROMANCE Festival 1st Scene: COLLATERAL HEARTS, by Stephanie Neroes (inte...

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Screenplay Best Scene: THAT SAME ROAD, by Pamela Green (interview)

New Releases • 3m 9s

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  • ROMANCE Festival 1st Scene: COLLATERA...

    After spending their tenth wedding anniversary at the Mackinac Island, Jackson and Rebecca are in a tragic car accident which leaves her in a coma for 6 months and Jackson dead. After she wakes up, she has to grieve the loss and this takes a toll on her. She meets Patrick when he comes to the sch...

  • 1st Scene Screenplay Reading: SAMURAI...

    Jeremiah "Jerry" Morisawa is a former samurai turned disillusioned samurai trucker. When he takes on an unusual job that specifically requests for him, he is wrapped into a scheme that involves old comrades, new friends, and denim ninjas.


    Narrator: Julie Sheppard
    Client: Hannah Eh...

  • Screenplay Best Scene Reading: The Gr...


    Narrator: Sean Ballantyne
    June: Hannah Ehman
    Clyde: Steve Rizzo