SPIRITUAL Short Story: Luz and Corazón by Dominique Margolis (interview)
New Releases
5m 29s
Performed by Val Cole
Get to know the writer:
1. What is your short story about?
“Luz and Corazón” is about the transformative power of genuine love between Luz, an unwanted girl, and Corazón, her little dog, a love which carries Luz safely through a near death experience.
2. What genres would you say this story is in?
The story is in the spiritual transformation genre.
3. How would you describe this story in two words?
Near Death.
4. What movie have you seen the most in your life?
The Big Blue by Luc Besson
5. What is your favorite song? (Or, what song have you listened to the most times in your life?)
Olimpico – performed by Dimash Qudaibergen, written by Liliya Vinogradova and Igor Krutoy.
6. Do you have an all-time favorite novel?
7. What motivated you to write this story?
Personal experience.
8. If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive), who would that be?
Sri M (Sri Madhukar Nath)
9. Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?
Being out in nature – on land and in water.
10. What influenced you to enter your story to get performed?
Curiosity. How would a professional actress make my story come to life?
11. Any advice or tips you'd like to pass on to other writers?
Write from the heart.
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