Poetry Reading: Revolution Monologue, by Korby Rhodes
New Releases
2m 7s
Peformed by Val Cole
First off I would like to say how wonderful it has been these many months. Although we are embroiled in a war, this group’s commitment never wavered. That is why here, today, we stand on the precipice of a truly extraordinary breakthrough.
Gentleman, we know the task at hand. We are gathered here to consecrate a republic. No more bickering. It is time to show King George that we will not stand for tyranny, not stand for improper enforcement of laws. We will not stand for injustice! The King has imposed on us all levels of impropriety. Not the least of which is taxation. Taxes on everything from tea to stamps. Taxes on the written word? I think not. That shall not stand, and it didn’t stand. We fought that battle and we won it.
We shall also win this, gentleman. Win the right where the government is in the hands of the people, not a King. The right to govern ourselves, as it were. A government void of usurpations so long that I do not have time to list them all. We should no longer be subject to the crown. No longer subject to a King. No longer governed by those across the sea. No longer under the crushing hand of tyranny. Tyranny does not die in darkness, gentleman, it dies at the ends of our pens!
So, we must delay no longer. We must stand united as thirteen separate, yet equal, colonies and sign our names to this document. It is time to set ourselves free. As Thomas so eloquently put it, let us dissolve the political bands that have tied us to the crown. Because if we don’t all hang together, we will surely, all, hang separately. So I say, no more delay. Pick up your pens, gentleman. Let’s begin the revolution. Let’s start a country!
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