Poetry Reading: Rage, by Josie Mckenzie
New Releases
2m 34s
Performed by Val Cole
You know… I believe we, as a collective, and as individuals forming that collective, should let injustice consume us just enough for us to care, just enough to feel a sense of fucking rage. Rage gets shit done. If everyone believed in not letting injustice’s consumption take hold just a little bit, then how would we, as a people, stop injustice? If one just looked at the horrors of the world and remained indifferent, stable, calm, still; then she who does not have that luxury may never find a peace of mind where she is allowed to feel indifferent, stable, calm, still… If we, as a people, allow injustice to remain in any part of our world, then those who are the cause of that injustice will continue for generations to come. Warming temperatures, genocides, wars of choice, men threatening to be dictators of the supposed ‘greatest nation’ will all pass under the eyes of those who chose to keep a calm and stable mind; and to not allow passion nor transitory desire disturb their tranquility.
I say… Fuck finding indifference. Fuck finding peace. Rage, Rage; Guided Rage against those who are the cause of our injustice.
I believe rage is an emotion that is short lived* (by itself, it is. It can be drawn out, targeted, and controlled; and the only valid subject of drawing out, targeting, and controlling that rage is ourselves.). Injustice is everywhere, and everywhere that injustice is, can lead back to any number of sources. Regulating emotion is important. Misguided, and unguided rage leads to more injustice in our world; It could lead to change for the worse; a betterment for the wicked. There is also the question of ‘what is inside one’s control?’. I believe the answer is anything, as long as one puts their mind to it and stays determined to fight. I believe rage is an effective tool against the injustice’s of this world, without it, there becomes a sore lack of passion where it is desperately needed.
I say, Guided Rage has every potential to change the world for the better; has every potential to end the peoples external suffering; has every potential to live, to create something better than the shit we find ourselves in currently, the shit we’ve found ourselves in for all of human history. – Josie Mckenzie
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