POETRY Reading: Sunbeam, by Amita Jayant Sanghavi
New Releases
Performed by Val Cole
Sunbeam, by Amita Jayant Sanghavi
Sometimes a memory
Burns and scalds
So bad
Those moonbeams
Can’t soothe
The seething heart,
Sometimes a memory
Leaves shivers and chills
So bad
Those sunbeams
Can’t warm
The frozen heart.
The moonbeams
And the sunbeams,
The ‘present’
Tosses in unwished
Gifts of its own;
The wild winds
Have blatantly blown,
With worries of the
Future unknown.
As I have grown
Accustomed to Life’s game
I firmly hold my hand
And tall I stand,
Just on my own.
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1. What is your short story about?
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