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Environemental Festival - THE STRATEGY feature film. Nov. 17/18 event

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ENVIRONMENTAL Showcase Festival - Nov. 18/19 event

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  • Environemental Festival - THE STRATEG...

    THE STRATEGY, 79min., USA
    Directed by Zied Kaf Alghazal
    A man wakes with amnesia after an explosion. Unaware of his identity, he's a mafia boss targeted by a cartel. His past threatens their operations. As he regains memory, he confronts the dangerous crime world.

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  • FANTASY SHORTS Festival - November 16...

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    CARVED IN STONE, 30min., USA
    Directed by Porter Justus
    Cast out by the academic community at her college for her extreme beliefs that artifacts belong with their cultures, not locked up in some museum, young historical photographer AMELIA SLOANE is shocked to learn...

  • SCI-FI SHORTS Festival - Nov. 15/16 e...

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    WEASEL, 2min., Mexico
    Directed by Hisham Iyad Hajir

    Watch the Audience Feedback Video:

    DEAR MOTHER, 29min., Austria
    Directed by Sabrina Hickl
    When the last bee dies, Mother Nature dies too. But she doesn't leave us w...