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NATAL short film review (interview)

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MASTER SENSEI short film review (interview)

New Releases • 7m 12s

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  • NATAL short film review (interview)

    NATAL, 20min., Brazil
    Directed by Isabella Secchin
    Natal, in his early fifties belongs to a generation that broke social barriers, worshiped cerebral movies, drugs and rock’n roll. However, he does not accept it well when Milene, his only daughter, takes her boyfriend to sleep at home with her. I...

  • WOLF + LAMB short film review

    WOLF + LAMB, 15min., Italy
    Directed by Giuseppe Schettino
    Wolf + Lamb (Lupo + Agnello) is above all a "coming-of-age novel", based on the immortal and homonymous fable of Aesop. It is the story of the relationship Luca (Ladislao Liverani), Thomas (James Ferrara) and Elisa (Virginia Diop) entertai...

  • STAY HOME STAY SAFE short film review...

    STAY HOME STAY SAFE, 20min,. Czech Republic
    Directed by Martin Bystriansky
    The story is centered in the intimate space of the shelter, where artificial intelligence creates inspiring virtual simulations for the writer. In the virtual world, the writer meets his muse, but she is not real enough. H...