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1pg Short Script: Net Calculation, by Kevin Mongelli (interview)

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Female Fest Best Scene: Lucky For You, by Heidi Kozak Haddad, Caroline Somers

New Releases • 5m 16s

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  • 1pg Short Script: Net Calculation, by...


    A man is playing a novelty basketball game poorly. He is then heckled and a challenge ensues. Was his performance real or fake?


    Narrator: Elizabeth Rose Morriss
    Ricky: Geoff Mays
    Ruben: Steve Rizzo

    Get to know the writer:

    1. What is your screenplay about?
    Net Calculat...

  • Winning ACTION/ADVENTURE Festival Bes...

    An ex-cop dodges criminal charges in the town she had worked, only to get caught up in controversy in another when the opportunistic thieves she accuses, turn up dead.


    Narrator: Hannah Ehman
    Cervantes: Val Cole
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    An old-fashioned love story where in 1953, the lives of two people in search of true love and happiness seem to be headed in opposite directions until they come together in the little town of Maple Grove and discover that everything in life happens for a reason.


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