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Story Movie: THE NIGHT THE SKY LIT UP, by Leonard I. Eckhaus

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ROMANCE Novel Transcript: Fury in Her Eyes, by Phillip Vega

New Releases • 7m 2s

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  • Story Movie: THE NIGHT THE SKY LIT UP...

  • Poetry Reading: ELECTIONS, by Saskia ...

    Performed by Val Cole

    The elections drama is thick in the air,
    The candidates are battling it out,
    with a war of words against each other.
    America, the greatest amongst all they say.
    Yet, they cannot get their affairs together.
    Why lecture another country about their political affairs, when they...

  • Poetry Reading: Inside and Outside, b...

    Performed by Val Cole


    In the far and remote village of the west of Canton Province,
    When my mother conceived me,
    I curled up inside her tummy,
    My mother bulged outside.

    After I was born, crying,
    I often slept in a cradle bearing a mosquito net.
    My mother sang baby songs ceaselessly, squ...