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I AM LIVING PROOF film, reactions WILDsound Festival

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UNDAUNTED film, reactions WILDsound Festival

New Releases • 6m 41s

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  • I AM LIVING PROOF film, reactions WIL...

    I AM LIVING PROOF, 80min., USA
    Directed by Bob Maddux
    I Am Living Proof is a compelling and intimate look into the lives of three individuals who face an extraordinary life-altering event. Bri, once a promising student, finds her academic dreams derailed by an illness that’s deteriorating her bod...


    Messages From The Multiverse, 14min., USA
    Directed by Pete Russell
    The architects of an intergalactic backyard theme park clear up common misconceptions about the multiverse in pop culture.
    [email protected]

  • SOUTH GEORGIA. In the heart of the wi...

    SOUTH GEORGIA. In the heart of the wild, 30min,. Ukraine
    Directed by Andrii Andreiev
    As it sometimes happens in this vast Universe, a remarkable coincidence brought together a multitude of talented cinematographers, musicians, and film editors in the making of a documentary about South Georgia. W...