BAD BLOOD short film, reactions Action/Crime/Mystery Festival (interview)
New Releases
6m 46s
BAD BLOOD, 19min., Argentina
Directed by Guillermo Ronco
Abandoned by the state and with his daughter's life at stake, police officer Rafael chooses to break his deepest convictions and commit a crime to resolve his situation. But when what was supposed to be a robbery turns into a kidnapping, he discovers that there are limits he cannot cross.
Get to know the filmmaker:
1. What motivated you to make this film?
In 2018/19, I began developing my first feature film, "Saints of Buenaventura", but it was canceled due to the COVID pandemic. So, my next move to push forward this project was to shoot a short film with similar characteristics in terms of tone and artistic style. So, I took the structure of the third act of the first draft of that script and turned it into a story with a beginning and end in less than 20 minutes.
2. From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this film?
During the development of Saints of Buenaventura, producers asked me to make a short film to showcase my storytelling and directing skills, so I made a treatment of Bad Blood back in 2020. But the real work took me three months of pre-production, three days of shooting, and another three months for the post. Six months in total.
3. How would you describe your film in two words!?
Loyalty vs Morality.
4. What was the biggest obstacle you faced in completing this film?
Fetting a five-day shooting plan into three days.
5. What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your film in the feedback video?
It was awesome! The way they got engaged and moved by the story, and their comments about the right pacing and the sound score building suspense and anticipation. I work so consciously on those topics that it makes me very proud that I got them right. Feedback is priceless for us filmmakers. Thanks so much for that!
6. When did you realize that you wanted to make films?
Since ever! As soon as I could get my hands on a VHS camera, at age 11/12, I started shooting small thriller films with my friends, editing in-camera, using ketchup sauce as blood, and making up the story as we went along. We had a blast making that.
7. What film have you seen the most in your life?
Jaws. Every time it is shown on TV, I have to watch it until the end. I can´t help it.
8. What other elements of the festival experience can we and other festivals implement to satisfy you and help you further your filmmaking career?
Making effective connections with agents/producers. The hardest part of this path is to catch the attention of those who can make our scripts become movies. Help us with this, please!
9. You submitted to the festival via FilmFreeway. How have your experiences been working on the festival platform site?
FilmFreeway is a great platform. With more festival options than you can handle, and so easy to navigate and submit.
10. What is your favorite meal?
I´m Argentine; grilled meat is a classic for us.
11. What is next for you? A new film?
I have a bunch of feature film scripts ready to roll!
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