Yellowstone 88 - Song Of Fire Short Film, Audience FEEBACK from Aug. 2021 ANIMATION Festival
7m 48s
YELLOWSTONE 88 – SONG OF FIRE, 6min., USA, Animation
Directed by Jerry van de Beek, Betsy De Fries
A remembrance of the Yellowstone fire that raged unabated for months engulfing the Park until a winter snow of intense severity extinguished the flames. That winter surviving Fauna exhausted from fire and weakened by hunger fall where standing. The cosmos turns and eventually life in the park begins anew.
Are You Okay Short Film, Audience FEE...
ARE YOU OKAY?, 9min., USA, Animation
Directed by Ryan Cannon
"Are You Okay?" is a short film produced by Wonder Media in collaboration with the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation to bring awareness to the effect of cyber-bullying among teens. This bystander story is told through the per... -
Lemons Short Film, Audience FEEBACK f...
LEMONS, 2min., USA, Animation
Directed by Siena Kuan
“Lemons” is a minute and half long short film which explores the idea of perfection, and the pursuit of perfection. Of course perfection is hard to achieve and even if we cross our t’s and dot our i’s sometimes it doesn’t work out. “Lemon” al...
The Game Just Got Real Short Film, Au...
THE GAME JUST GOT REAL, 1min,. Switzerland, Animation
Directed by bellopropello
Dogs and humans want to play. or not?