The Tragedy Of Domna Visvizi Short Film, Audience FEEDBACK from April 2021 Experimental/Dance/Music Film Festival
8m 14s
THE TRAGEDY OF DOMNA VISVIZI, 4min., Germany, Music Video
Director Katerina Giannakopoulou , Mixalis Iliaskos
"The Tragedy of Domna Visvizi," is a multidisciplinary work of art combining the poetry of lyrics, music, dance, acting, cinematography and sound design to tell the story of the forsaken and forgotten Greek patriot and heroine Domna Visvizi from the time of her husband's death in 1822, to her own in 1850.
Ruber 7 Short Film, Audience FEEDBACK...
Directed by Timur Ramazanov
2237. The development of technology has led to information oversaturation - it has become difficult for people to navigate the flow of information and separate the truth from the lie. Due to world conflicts, mistakes of historians and political manipulations, the hist...
Lat.Copiare Short Film, Audience FEED...
LAT.COPIARE, 4min., Austria, Experimental
Directed by Claudia Ungersbäck
Asking the question of originality in a world of DIY Reproduction -
The Voice Of Nature Short Film, Audie...
THE VOICE OF NATURE, 6min., Mongolia, Documentary
Directed by Hong Shanjia
This film is talk about a man who is living in Inner Mongolia, during his life, the man is try to find the relationship between his religious belief and the art of Tuvan throat singing .