The Longest Race Short Film, Audience FEEDBACK from Oct. 2021 Film Festival
6m 14s
THE LONGEST RACE, 19min., USA, Running
Directed by Brittany Peterson
The Longest Race follows two ultramarathon runners in Washington, D.C. as they document their most ambitious races at the height of the Covid-19 crisis. As they traverse the nation’s capital, they face mental and physical challenges that reveal who they really are. The film was 100% captured via cell phone during the lockdown, with majority of the directing done remotely.
Thanks Again! Short Film, Audience FE...
THANKS AGAIN!, 5min., Japan, Animation
Directed by Yifan Jiang
Each character symbolises a tone and appears in front of the vending machines common in the Showa era, forming a melody from memory. As the music ends and people leave, the lone owner says "thanks again" once more. -
Gone Short Film, Audience FEEDBACK fr...
GONE, 16min., Belgium, Dance
Directed by Helena Jónsdóttir & Vera Wonder Sölvadóttir
Who is living your life when you are not there?Gone is a humorous little thriller that gives us an unusual insight into one man’s journey into dance of live.
Baking Is Hard Short Film, Audience F...
BAKING IS HARD, 9min., USA, Comedy
Directed by Spence Warren
A short film about big mysteries revealed in a medium sized kitchen.