The Funny Runner Short Film, Audience FEEDBACK from April 2021 DOCUMENTARY Film Festival
THE FUNNY RUNNER, 20min., USA, Sports Documentary
Directed by Rob Steger
After quitting her job to pursue her dream of running professionally, Brittany Charboneau quickly found herself not having any fun with the sport she loved. A tough debut at the New York City Marathon and the following training left Brittany broken physically, mentally, and emotionally. Was there really only one path to success in becoming a professional runner or could Brittany throw away everything and do things her own way? This is a documentary film about the path Brittany Charboneau has pursued and what she has discovered about running and herself in the process.
Azilali: They Don't Sleep Short Film,...
AZILALI: THEY DON'T SLEEP, 12min., South Africa, Documentary
Directed by Faine Loubser
The creatures of the sea are always awake to connect with you. Journeying through the life of a dark shyshark foetus, this film is a deep cinematic and aural bowing to the sacredness of the kelp forests and its... -
NAïADE Short Film, Audience FEEDBACK ...
NAïADE, 11min., Canada, Dance
Directed by Mistaya Hemingway, Alan Kohl
Naïade is a reflection on the ways image and self-perception have changed in a post #MeToo era. What do we keep and what do we shed? Using the water as a feedback loop and the haunting music of Beatrice Deer and Jace Lasek, Na... -
The Tragedy Of Domna Visvizi Short Fi...
THE TRAGEDY OF DOMNA VISVIZI, 4min., Germany, Music Video
Director Katerina Giannakopoulou , Mixalis Iliaskos
"The Tragedy of Domna Visvizi," is a multidisciplinary work of art combining the poetry of lyrics, music, dance, acting, cinematography and sound design to tell the story of the forsaken ...