Finding Us Again Short Film, Audience FEEDBACK from June 2021 DANCE Festival
8m 27s
FINDING US /// AGAIN, 10min., USA, Dance
Directed by David Comeaux
This dance film explores themes of childhood friendships, growing up, and finding each other again.
did i get through to you
did i hold you too tightly
did you bring your rain boots
how long have you been sitting there?
The Cage Short Film, Audience FEEDBAC...
THE CAGE, 7min., USA, Sci-Fi
Directed by Hengrui Zhang
The artificial intelligence assistant is trying to complete the painting so that she can help her poor master. But this painting annoys her arrogant master.
One Step At A Time Feature Film, Audi...
ONE STEP AT A TIME, 50min,. Canada,, Documentary/Sports
Directed by Seton Roberts
One Step At A Time captures the story of brothers Kyle and Tom as they portaged canoes, over 200km and 20 days, in the Himalayan Mountains to raise money for KOSHISH Nepal. 100% of the money raised has gone direct...
Exaltation Short Film, Audience FEEDB...
экзальтация / exaltation, 12min., Belgium, Dance
Directed by Sam Asaert
A dance film about the gradual awakening of spirit and soul. About the emergence of sentience. About being — gradually ripping away from a primitive state. Discovery through gradual grasping and exploration. The Self evolving...