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THE WINDY CITY BLOWS short film, reactions Chicago Festival

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THE WINDY CITY BLOWS short film, reac...

Directed by Nick Luna
My Alien Friend and I discuss about the Dating scene in the Icy and unforgiving Chicago winds. however things term scary and potentially violent when some good advice goes bad.

AKABEI short film, Crime/Mystery fest...

AKABEI, 12min., Poland
Directed by Marcin Kolodziejczak
A young woman dreaming of a stable relationship discovers that her current partner is just wasting her time, so she plans swift revenge.

Get to know the filmmaker:

1. What motivated you to make this film?

There were three main reasons ...

THE OLD LADY short film, Crime/Myster...

THE OLD LADY, 26min., Spain
Directed by Andres Romero
A lonely old lady is slowly dying in her old mansion when the arrival of the daughter of her caretaker mysteriously changes her future prospects.

Get to know writer/producer/star ANGELE MARTENS:

1. What motivated you to make this film?
The s...