1st Year Checking Feature Film, Audience FEEDBACK from July 2021 DOCUMENTARY Film Festival
1ST YEAR CHECKING, 80min., USA, Sport Documentary
Directed by Michael Messner
1st Year Checking documents the life of my son Grayson, a 12 year old hockey player as he goes into the dangerous and unknown world of check hockey.
After coaching a team in their first year of check hockey, I was fascinated how a game that kids love with their entire hearts changes over night to a game where there is fear, violence and severe injuries. As the coach, it was my job to turn 12 year old’s into men.
Wake Short Film, Audience FEEDBACK fr...
WAKE, 6min., USA, Dance
Directed by Oscar De Leon
Wake is an artistic story-telling dance film designed to educate and bring awareness to underlying issues that have become normal in our society. Wake captures an extension of the subconscious using movement and nature as the fundamental elements ... -
Il Pedone Short Film, Audience FEEDBA...
IL PEDONE, 4min., Italy, Sci-Fi
Directed by Cristiana Pecci, Matteo Maggi
A story from the past, yet about a future
that feels frighteningly similar to ours,
where even a simple walk at night can become abnormal.
[email protected] -
Climb Feature Film, Audience FEEDBACK...
The story of a Santa Barbara triathlete that was nearly killed in a horrific training accident, survived, healed, rehabilitated, trained, and ultimately made it back to competition, winning the 2019 Santa Barbara Triathlon.