A collection of the best experimental short films from around the world today.
FLORA music video, 9min., Norway, Music/Experimental
F L O R A is a low budget project. The video has scenes from my neighbourhoods natural surroundings and consists mainly of handheld spontaneous recordings depending on what happened around me during the time I was working on the project. I wanted to make a point that by allowing ourselves to appr...
CAÑA short film, 14min., Dance/Experimental
This film is an investigation of movement within a natural landscape, of rich textures and textiles in motion, and of the mystery of ritual. It provides a window into a private world of a group of women, dancing together unselfconsciously among natural landscapes and dressed in lusciously colored...
Watch THE QUIET short film. 10min., Australia, Animation
When an astronaut ponders on the quietude of space, he comes upon a startling self-realisation.
The truth is written in the stars, but what will he uncover?
Writer/Director: Radheya Jegatheva
News & Reviews
"Movie Review: The Quiet"
THE SLAUGHTERHAUS short film watch. Chile. Experimental/Thriller
Based on a Nicanor Parra poem, A dystopian thriller about Meat Consumption and Global Warming.
Directed by Gonzalo Sepulveda
https://www.twitter.com/cintamanifilms -
THE WICKLOW WITCHES short film watch, Animation/Experimental
The story talks about the bond between two women from different background and generation: an old witch and a little girl.
Submerged in a beautiful Irish landscape, the story is colored with magic potions, formulas, orations and picturesque scenario.
The story of the two protagonists, will tran...
TODAY ARTIST, TONIGHT TAXIST short film watch, Romania, Experimental
The film is about the last hours in the life of a young loser from Chisinau, who is neither a rocker, nor a taxi driver, not even a boyfriend. As a consequence - he makes an accident, in which he dies with a German customer, who has come to look for his grandfather’s grave, dead in the Second Wor...
LOST ON THE BEACH short film watch, 3min., USA
An older man reflects on his loses.
Directed by Vince Eisenson
https://www.instagram.com/vinceeisensonCast: Milo Eisenson, Alexander Julian, Matt Amick
FOREVER BOUND short film watch, Fashion/Experimental, Italy
Directed by Rob Bell
Written by Elisa MessiPoetry by Vittoria Aganoor Pompil
For Forever Bound, we wanted to explore the theme of fate’s adversarial role in a relationship, how destiny, if you believe in such a thing, plays an important role in how our lives turn out. It’s an exciting challen...
SREBENICA short film watch, 1min., Political/Black & White
This work is about Srebrenica, Bosnia, place of the last european genocide where thousands of muslim people were killed.
The video can be seen both as a retranscription of the events and a reflection about the human condition.
Firstly, the possibility of the horror in the human condition. The b...
MONEY IS AS INNOCENT AS THE GUN short film watch, DOC Experimental
a film of spoken word for action
Directed by Chris Colling
URBAN NOISE - Istanbul short film watch, Documentary/Experimental
https://www.instagram.com/alperdurmaz__/?hl=tr(All shots, sounds, and musics in this film were recorded with a smartphone on Istanbul streets)
Istanbul's city noise, street music, and daily chaos... -
COMPRESSION short film watch, 10min., Experimental/Political
An experimental narrative about a group of young people forced to participate in an endless cycle of filmed performances.
Written & Directed by Andrew Twibell
Cast: Cassandra DeFreitas, David Barnett, Taylor Godwin
Director Biography - Andrew Twibell
Andrew Twibell is a filmmaker and educator ... -
MANIFESTATION short film watch, 17min., Experimental/Black & White
"A mentally ill person feels neglected by society and takes revenge."
"When life is meaningless and everything is hopeless, where do you go?"
Inspired by the life of Danny Germansen.
Manifestation is an semi-autobiographical art-house short film about a mentally ill person who takes revenge on...
A MAN WAITING FOR THE LEAVES TO FALL short film, 20min., Singapore
https://tinyurl.com/AmanwaitingfortheleavestofallWritten and Produced by Judee Tan
A digital performative narration that chronicles the pivotal events in a man’s life. This 20-minute long digital product...
ISIS short film watch, 5min., Austria, Experimental
After Osiris´ death Isis travels the entire country in search of her beloved's mortal remains. With her boundless love and her magic skills, she wants to overcome death and bring Osiris back to life for one night.
Directed by Annekatrin Meyers
https://www.instagram.com/... -
VISUALS FOR MUSIC BOX, 2min., Argentina, Experimental/Black & White
Directed by Alejandro Thornton
Short visual about stereotyped sex, violence and fun that let us sleep comfortably.
OLD HOUSE short film watch, 4min,. Experimental/Documentary
About the depth of the hypocrisy of Russian invaders and coming consequences of their crazy adventure at XXI century. For in addition to the woes and sorrows the war has brought to Ukraine, the Kremlin's perfidious madness is destroying Muscovy itself.
Directed by Alexander Sparinsky
MK-ULTRA short film watch, 3min., Black & White/Experimental
A look into the MK-ULTRA experiments of the 1950's.
Directed by Andrew Hooper
Cast: Ian Foutz, James Frazee, Rick Boeck, James McGrath
https://twitter.com/AndrewMHooperYoutube: https://youtube.com/@AndrewHooperO...
KAERU short film watch, 3min., Experimental/Black & White
In search of the being of light within.
Directed by Elias Djemil
Director Statement
Looking for the universal poetry of humanity is a lifelong search. Project by project I pursue this goal; each encounter, film and photograph brings me closer. We all have our own aspirations, ambitions, and res... -
#blacklivesmatter short film watch, 7min., Experimental/Music
The struggle we face for racial equality has been ongoing for over 400 years. After so many lives have been lost due to systemic racism and police brutality, I penned a piece entitled #blacklivesmatter chronicling a few moments in our history. Unfortunately, in 2020, this piece is timely and more...
UNION MATER short film watch, Mexico, Experimental/Fantasy
An afternoon where the experiences of three men and two women are interconnected. Through a lucid dream; the feeling for the death of an acquaintance; and to paint on tree plants.
A man (Pedro) is contemplative in a forest, looks around and just thinks. Back at his house at night he goes to slee...
STILL LIGHT short film watch, 3min., Experimental
Still Light is an experimental short made of photographic stills. The film explores the relation of light to perception. It is entirely shot and edited on a mobile phone.
Directed by Aparna Sharma -
Anthology of nine souls on their way to death short film watch, Italy, 11min
Andy the night watch was the cemetery gate keeper in Spoon river. He was overseeing the burial of all Spoon river residents. He was the silent observer of life in the small town, knowing everyone and their lives. He could see the good and bad, usually as they were intermixed after death. Having b...
BREATHE THE LIGHT short film watch, 6min., Musical Experimental
Experimental and Psychedelic music video from the mind of Steven Clarkson. Blends Eastern and Western mysticism.
Directed by Steven Wright Clarkson