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Watch this video and more on WILDsound Festival TV

Tumbling Towards Home, 14min., USA, Animation/Documentary



  • CRUEL WORLD, 16min., Canada, Drama/Th...

    As he drives down an old dirt road John has one thing on his mind: "Reunite with the woman he loves".

    The journey is prolonged when his SUV runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Luckily a mysterious old man intervenes and points him in the right direction.

    He arrives at a campground in sear...

  • WINDOWS, 9min., USA, Thriller

    A conflicted man about to commit murder desperately hopes a stranger can convince him otherwise before it's too late.

    Written & Directed by Timmy Walczak

    Cast: Anthony Consolo, Timmy Walczak

  • IMAGINARY FRIEND, 17min., USA, Thriller

    IMAGINARY FRIEND is a short film following a detective who reluctantly agrees to help her niece, a young girl experiencing vivid nightmares. While the 'help' begins as a lighthearted joke, strange details and events suggest something more ominous is at hand.

    Written & Directed by Jason Sanch...