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  • Triggered, a Cinematic Superhero Fan Film, 21min,. USA, Action/Comic Book

    A brilliant madman known as The Director believes that Superheroes are a threat to humanity. With Captain Marvel and Blade in his clutches, their rivals Wolverine and Rogue must escape before they too are turned into one of his minions.

    Directed by Mario Ricardo Rodriguez, Marcus Nel-Jamal Hamm

  • Watch BRINK. 27min., Canada. Crime/Thriller

    Out of work and desperate for money, a struggling family man plots an elaborate scheme to secure a cash grab that would exceed his drug-fueled ambitions.

    Director Statement
    From writing the screenpl...

  • Watch CONFUSION short film. 12min., Iran. Crime/Thriller

    Police arrest someone ( sina ) All the evidence is against him For heroin trafficking But then the other defendants entering in the police file.

    Directed by Iman Kiarsi

    From Khabar University - Ahvaz City

  • ÉLUDER short film watch, UK, Thriller/Crime

    An envelope arrives at the hotel room of an Academic with a photo of a woman inside. By chance he meets the woman, fearing her life is in danger he plans to save her before the hitman gets to her.

    Directed by Simeon Lumgair

    Cast: Fabien Lucciarini, Mouna Bouchouk

  • MIRTILLO - numerus I short film watch, 15min., Thriller/Fantasy/Mystery

    1346. The Black Death has arrived in Europe. Andruccio is fleeing his village Coccorone (Italy) in search of salvation. Among the woods and paths he meets a rather singular character who will accompany him to Triora, the 'village of witches', to find the cure.

    A metaphysical journey that will le...

  • ANGEL NEGRO short film watch, 8min., Crime

    In "Angel Negro," Eduardo Zamora plays a skilled hitman who specializes in taking out troublesome husbands at the request of their wives. Based in Los Angeles, California, Angel is a highly sought-after assassin who operates in the shadows and has built a reputation for his discretion and efficie...

  • THE TUNNEL: Interview with a Monster short film watch, 24min., Horror/Crime

    Dr. Larry Levin, a convicted serial killer is brought to a black ops rendition site where he is to be "interviewed" by two government agents for his past crimes only to realize that some chupacabras have come to join them.

    Directed by David Llauger Meiselman

    Written by David Llauger Meiselman, ...

  • FLASH DRIVE short film watch, 12min., Russia, Comedy/Crime

    Three gangsters come to a man to take a flash drive with a lot of crypto. Pretty deep criminal comedy.

    Directed by Anton Mischenko

    Written by Anton Mischenko, Alexandr Potehin, Andrey Serov

    Cast: Eugeniy Bandurin, Roman Lide, Oleg Soloduhin, Alexey Bardash

  • SKINWALKER short film watch, 12min., Horror

    Two cowboy brothers investigate the disappearances of their townfolk in the cold woods of Northern Arizona, only to find that they are the ones being hunted, by something not quite animal or human.

    Writer/Director: Benjamin Gaun

    Cast: Drew Lopez, Fernand...

  • DOJO short film watch, 15min., Action/Crime

    Shane Lucas, an ex-Yakuza member and 4th degree black belt in Judo, is hunted down at his local dojo in Los Angeles 1985 by his long-time rival, Elias Da Rosa and his crew members from the same crime family. Shane is threatened to come back to the Yakuza or would suffer the consequence of not.


  • GORGON short film watch, 2min., Horror/Fantasy

    A woman walking alone at night is being followed, but the stalker doesn't know she has a deadly secret.

    Directed by Emma-Jane Heaton

    Cast: Sarah Catterall, Frankie Currie

    Cinematography: Edward Armstrong

    Director Statement
    Gorgon was made for a Sheffield's DIY Filmmaker's challenge; make a fi...

  • SPIDER-MAN: MORALES short film watch, 17min., Action/Fan Fiction

    In the wake of a personal tragedy, young Miles Morales begins his journey of donning the mask as the titular hero Spider-Man.

    Directed by Sipho A Nxasana

    Writers: Sipho A Nxasana, Xaivier Valdez, Eric Elliott

    CAST: Sean Fruster-Gilliland, Trand...

  • KILLING JOKE short film watch, 6min., France, Batman Fan Fiction

    Joker asks Batman to draw the tarot for him

    Directed by Yann Ar Branov

  • KILL SHORT short film watch, 3min., Thriller

    A man finds his grandfather's old camera with a bizarre message.

    Written & Directed by Joe Petito

    Cameraman - Ignacyo Matynia

  • REVERSE short film watch, 12min., Thriller/Mystery

    With the help of her alters, an ex-spy with dissociative identity disorder hatches a plan to get revenge on the one-eyed, the man who tried to kill her.

    Writer/Director Christophe Lenoir

    CAST: Camille Solal, Chick Orte...

  • POLLO LOCO - Watch Award Winning Short FIlm. 26min., USA

    When a young, power-hungry drug dealer discovers the love of his life has been unfaithful with a member of his crew, he and his right-hand man seek revenge.

    Directed by Derek Bauder

    CAST: Giancarlo Beltran, Derek Bauder, Jorge Rodriguez, Emily Rose Hernandez, Sheypan Draus

  • BUST short film, 7min,. USA, Crime/Action

    An Ordinary day goes South, LA.

    Writer/Director: Burak Tatar

    I’d like to take on the conventional stories and tell them in unconventional ways. I’m more interested in asking, raising the questions, then giving answers.

    Cast: Bobb...

  • VIRGINIA, FOREVER, 16min., Mystery / LGBTQ+

    A woman mourns the mysterious disappearance of her wife.

    Directed by Daria Rountree

    Written by Jordan Campbell

    Cast: Brit Landa, Taylor Carr

  • 25 Years After Woodsboro: A Scream Fan Film, 14min., USA, Fan Fiction / Horror

    This short non-profit fan film follows the events of the Scream films 1 through 4. Employees at a production company in New York making a STAB TV series are targeted by a familiar attacker during a late night at the office.

    Director Statement
    I have been a fan of the Scream films since the first...

  • WE ALL DIE ALONE, 13min., USA, Comedy/Thriller

    The hubris of an inept conflict negotiator leads two warring gangs into an 8-way standoff. The consequences are both comical and tragic in this whip-smart short.

    Director Statement
    I have ...

  • THE GHOUL short film, 12min., Australia, Crime/Action/Thriller

    Two men, one crime.

    Director: Ryan Osmond

    Writers' Gareth Robinson, Chris Williams

    Stars: Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, Matt Boesenberg, Adam Tuominen

  • SURPRISE ROBBERY short film, 3min., Chili, Crime

    In broad daylight, in downtown, a man steals another's briefcase, starting a chase. In the nearby streets, another guy is riding a bicycle. The fate of these three men will cross, changing their lives forever.

    Directed by David G. Morgan


    Director Biography -...

  • 777 short film, 7min., Canada, Musical Crime/Comedy

    A young hostess at a seedy gambling joint gets in over her head when the place is ripped off by a gang of crafty musician-thieves in search of a mysterious box.

    Director/Writer: Charlie Å

    Cinematography: John Moon, Val Michailov

    Cast List: Tamir Kapelian, Katerina Cordos, Shondarayan Ja-Rhel ...

  • WINE AND EGGS short film, 5min., Turkey, Crime/Drama

    A woman watches out the window of in the house. The excitement that she had when her husband's knock the door shows us that days end would be different than other days.

    Writer/Director: Sertac Bozkurt

    Writer: Hanife Sahin Bozkurt

    Cast: Deniz Okay, Soner Cuger

    Cinematographer: Nazim Yilmaz
