THE HUNTER'S EXCHANCE short film watch, 10min., Action/Experimental/Fantasy
Action, Independent, Short Films
"A hunter seeking to kill a warrior is revealed to have committed the most taboo of all rituals to claim unspeakable power."
This 8-minute action film throws an experimental twist on the fight scene genre while taking new directions with popular tropes from fantasy and science fiction films, telling a story about the price of power, with no dialogue.
"My goal was to tell a different story with familiar elements, and to convey the work of dark forces at play beneath the surface, without any dialogue. I love the action and fantasy genres. And I think that a great fight scene can, or should, be enjoyed by everyone without any language barrier. How do I explain these higher power concepts in the frame of this self-contained death match, without any dialogue? That was the challenge I wanted to give myself, and to approach it with the mindset of the storyboards being my script." - Aidan Byrne, writer/director
Directed by Aidan Byrne
Composer: Garrett Fitzgerald
Cast: Christian Ciarmela, MacGregor Byrne, Aidan Byrne
RENAISSANCE short film, USA, Black & ...
The sensuality of being alone.
Directed by Victoria Lacoste, Penelope Caillet Statement
The world is full of love stories. But the most important one of them all is the one that is the least told. Int... -
CROSS, 16min., USA, Drama / LGBTQ+
A Korean immigrant mom in the US goes through a journey against her religious faith to embrace her only son who is discovering his sexual orientation.
Writer/Director: Hyunjin Lee
Cast: Cindy Choi, Vinh Nguyen, Bomin Kim, Ja Eun Koo, Jason Tian
Director Statement
Who can easily say what is ri...
BEING BLACK, 5min., UK, Documentary /...
Wayne is a proud black, Afro-Caribbean, gay man living in the UK. His father was also a proud man, moving to the UK in the 1950's was his duty to the 'father country'.
For Wayne being a UK citizen now doesn't make him proud and is a different story.
Director Statement
Having lived with an Afro-...