LIFESOURCE, by Aleks Lyons. Best Scene Reading. FEMALE Film Festival (interview)
2m 40s
A young oceanographer discovers her gradfather's plane - part of the Lost Patrol - and is thrust into an emotional journey with a rebellious reporter as the government tries to cover up what really happened that night in 1945. The duo uncovers an extraordinary truth of how water, our most precious resource, has a will and consciousness of its own and is an active, seemingly invisible, participant in its own survival from human destruction.
Narrator: Elizabeth Ross Morriss
Scott: Steve Rizzo
Margaret: Hannah Ehman
Get to know the writer:
1. What is your screenplay about?
In LIFESOURCE, well known historic events (the disappearance of 5 war planes we’ve come to call the lost patrol in 1945), a government cover-up, mysterious deaths and a romance, all come together when humanity’s killing of its life source (all of Earth’s water sources) reaches a tipping point and humanity and water are out of harmony.
2. What genres does your screenplay fall under?
It’s quite a blend of Action Adventure, Fantasy and Sci-Fi
3. Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?
It speaks to what humans are doing to the water sources on our planet and the value systems we’ve chosen to embrace and at the same time it stands on its own as a fun ride while creating awareness.
4. How would you describe this script in two words?
Timely. Exciting.
5. What movie have you seen the most times in your life?
To many to think of just one and in a variety of genres.
6. How long have you been working on this screenplay?
This is a culmination of life long experiences and information. My father invented a water clarification system for industry and when I was a child, he told me that one day water will be more expensive than oil and people will finally realize that it is our most precious resource and needs to be protected and respected.
That was always in the back of my mind when many years ago I was inspired by an article on the Lost Patrol and it’s disappearance over the Bermuda Triangle. I had a research partner who assisted in gathering information for the story I wanted to tell and helped me brainstorm through some ideas. Once I had gone through all the information, I sat down and completed the screenplay in three weeks. It was the fastest I’ve written a feature and it felt incredibly inspired. Then I set it aside for numerous reasons including budgetary and technological constraints. I only recently revisited it and did a rewrite.
7. How many stories have you written?
I have written dozens of stories - novels, screenplays and series. I have three published fiction novels, a published non-fiction book under a pseudonym and two other non-fiction books as a ghostwriter. I have optioned nine screenplays and had one feature and one short film produced.
8. What is your favorite song? (Or, what song have you listened to the most times in your life?)
This is a difficult question since I listen to such a vast variety of music from classical to blues, to rock and roll to pop. It depends on on my mood and my purpose as to what music will inspire or resonate at any given time.
9. Apart from writing, what else are you passionate about?
I love gatherings with family and friends, game nights, putting together beautiful spaces and events, travel, music, yoga and new experiences.
10. You entered your screenplay via FilmFreeway. What has been your experiences working with the submission platform site?
It’s quite new to me.
11. What influenced you to enter the festival? What were your feelings on the initial feedback you received?
I appreciate the work this festival is doing. I have been in the industry for quite a while, know the challenges women face, and I’m happy to see women’s work being encouraged and featured.
The feedback I received has compelled me to check and rewrite in places where I can deliver more clarity.
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