A collection of the best animated short films from around the world today.

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  • LOS ABCs: ¡Que vivan los muertos!, 5min., USA, Animation/Comedy

    Do you remember your ABCs? We think you do. Sing along with this group of animated Mariachi social documentarians who will guide you through imperial history that will make you laugh, cry, and wonder why. Crew Written and Directed by John Jota Leaños Art Direction Sean Levon Nash Animation and Te...

  • FRONTERA!, 12min., USA, Animation/Fantasy

    The Pueblo Revolt had to happen. Life was out of balance. Drought, hunger, colonial violence and religious persecution brought indigenous societies of New Mexico to the brink of collapse. The Pueblo people orchestrated the unthinkable: a pan-Indian uprising successfully expelling the Spanish occu...

  • DNN: DEAD NEWS NETWORK, 20min., USA, Animation/Sci-Fi

    DNN: Dead News Network
    Unfair and unbalanced! Dead News Network keeps you informed of bone-breaking news from the other side. Peter Deadings, Burt Donasque Dontatella and Sister Wendy bring you 24/7 news reports from the frontlines on the War on Errorism, the Million Muerto March and the Heist of...

  • THE SHIFT short film, 7min,. Sweden, Animation/Sci-Fi

    Many years ago tech giants lost control of AI robotic technology.
    By kidnapping and monitoring newborns, the Ai robots are now trying to master the one thing they have yet to understand…


    The film starts with a kidnapped human baby boy. We see two of the AI droids implanting iris sur...

  • 2020, 1min., Canada, Animation/Comedy

    A short animated film about what it was like to live through the unrelenting world-wide disaster that was the year 2020.

    Directed by JC Little

    Music: Apache Tomcat

  • I AM ODD short film, 4min., UK, Animation/Black & White

    Benjamin Giroux, a 10 year old autistic boy from New York, wrote a poem called "I Am Odd" for a school project. The poem went viral and It inspired this song using Ben's lyrics. A talented young 2D animator, Rory Russell, was approached to tell Ben's story in a simple animated music video to help...

  • HALLOWSTIDE short film, 4min., USA, Animation/Experimental

    Dreamy, haunting forms transform, then ascend into a new spiritual world.

    Writer/Director: Steve Socki

    Music/Sound: Gary Chang

    Director Statement
    Steve Socki Aritst’s Statement Oct 2017

    "Hallowstide" is a non-narrative animated film; it is intended to be viewed as a visual poem. I was inspire...

  • THE RETURN short film, 19min. Turkey, Documentary

    The story telling the journey of the 3rd and 5th generation women from a family who had to leave the country because of the population exchange between Turkey and Greece. Will they be able to take their families’ soil from their graves to their homeland, Kavala?

    Directed by Nesli Ozalp Tuncer


  • Tumbling Towards Home, 14min., USA, Animation/Documentary

    Tumbling Towards Home is a coming of age story about Malcolm Adams, an Irish immigrant who moves to New York in 1989 to study acting under Alan Langdon. He works through the grief from the loss of his mother and his friend Philip Seymour Hoffman. This leads to his decision of where to put his hat...


    Gravelsville, USA is a magnet for the most comically twisted villains the world has ever seen. Ancient legends, scientific theories, and even the laws of nature are employed in their diabolically dark plots. Evil lurks around every corner. And only the sarcastic, fourth wall breaking, super-sleut...

  • GRUF & ME, 9min., Israel, Live Action/Animation

    Gruf is a graffiti character that comes to life in animation. Gruf falls in love with the street artist who created him. He desperately tries to find her in the shabby streets of Tel Aviv and discovers that inter-dimensional love is not easy.

  • BIRDS OF A FEATHER, 3min., Australia, Animation/Experimental

    Set in a rainy city this film focuses on the scavengers on the street and how the effects of sharing and being greedy can alter one's perspective in life.

    Directed by Richie Valentino

    Director Statement:

    Art offers the ability to express one's inner self.

  • BEHIND THE GLASS, 5min., Canada, Animation/Experimental

    Behind the glass is an animated drama about a man struggling to overcome his own limitations, while facing the rejection of society.

    Written & Directed by Pedro de la Llave

    Director Statement

    Behind the glass is a drama about a man struggling to overcome his own limitations, while facing the r...

  • SPIRIT: A Martian Story, 14min., Sci-Fi, Computer Animation

    NASA sought evidence of life on Mars.

    That search begins with water, and the search for water begins with the study of the rocks and the soil.

    That was the historic mission of the rovers SPIRIT and OPPORTUNITY.

    This is SPIRITS story.

    Directed by Stimson Snead

    Written by Randall Munroe


  • 5476 MILES, 4min., UK, Animation/Music Video

    A handmade paper stop motion music video that tells the story of a lonely starling waiting for love in an adventure that takes him from land to sky to under the sea.

    Directed by Terry Thomas

    Music by Nigel Thomas

  • A NIGHT WITHOUT, 6min., Israel, Thriller/Animation

    A sleepless father, in danger of losing his sanity, is hopelessly trying to put his crying baby to sleep.

    Director Statement:

    Inspired by the short story "Sleepy" by Anton chekhov, this short film deals with the process of going insane and the awakening of a man's inner demons.

    Writer & Direct...

  • STOP MOTION: THE MAKING OF, 2min., UK, Animation/Comedy

    A glimpse at behind the scenes of the making of stop motion animations with Steve The Test Dummy, and the moments that didn't quite go to plan

    Director Biography - Kessiah Arthur

    A flourishing artist in the practical and creature FX department in feature films, Kessiah enjoys making the weird, ...

  • CHIMICHANGA DAY, 3min., Russia, Animation/Comedy

    Indypolis lived peacefully and quietly until a van with Mexican food appeared in their lives. He turned the life of the inhabitants into a chimichanga day. The film "Groundhog Day" became the basis of this parody-humorous animated musical short film. In addition, you will also take away parodies ...

  • UNWOUND, 5min., UK, Animation/Fantasy

    Unwound follows an overworked woman who manifests a store full of her childhood plushies as a way to cope with the possibility of losing her job. The film explores topics such as mental health, burnout, nostalgia, and how women have been disproportionately affected by job losses during the pandem...

  • JUSTIN AND THE WERLOOBEE, 11min., USA, Animation/Family

    Based on the published book, FRUIT OF THE VINE (Weisberg and Yoffe, Waldorf Publishing, 2018). In JUSTIN AND THE WERLOOBEE, we meet Justin, a sensitive, introspective boy whose physical features and personality make him a convenient target for many of his cruel peers. One night, he wakes to find ...

  • ANOMALY 4, 18min., UK, Animation/Experimental

    There is no singular way to sum up this work. It does not really want to be explained by an elucidating text; it wants to rest in the medium that shapes it. It does not follow a convention of story telling that governs cinema. What it does follow is a freewheeling set of associations and the vaga...

  • GORILLA IN THE WASHING MACHINE, 8min., Estonia, Animation

    Late at night, there are animals minding their own business beside a lake. Some of them meet at the end, and then they drink tea and making sticky rice happily together ever since.

    NB: This is a film built entirely on sex metaphors, view with caution.

    Animator/Directed by Huei Jen, Hung


  • ART IS ANGST, 5min., Sweden, Animation

    The frustrated artist is trying to make a painting of a model.
    He doesn´t find the model doing very well though, and his frustration rapidly rises, until finally he comes up with an especially distinct solution

    Director/Animator: Björn Granberg Ahlmark

  • LEMONS, 2min., USA, Animation/Family

    "Lemons" is a minute and half long short film which explores the idea of perfection, and the pursuit of perfection. Of course perfection is hard to achieve and even if we cross our t's and dot our i's sometimes it doesn't work out. "Lemon" also speaks to what failure could feel like, and what it ...